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Electricity and Gas DR AS 5804.4:2024 Redlined High-voltage live work, Part 4: Barehand work EL-052 18/02/2025
Electricity and Gas DR AS 5804.3:2024 Redlined High-voltage live work, Part 3: Stick work EL-052 18/02/2025
Electricity and Gas DR AS 5804.2:2024 Redlined High-voltage live work, Part 2: Glove and barrier work EL-052 18/02/2025
Electricity and Gas DR AS 5804.1:2024 Redlined High-voltage live work, Part 1: General EL-052 18/02/2025
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing AS ISO 7218 Microbiology of the food chain - General requirements and guidance for microbiological examinations FT-035 11/02/2025
Electricity and Gas DR AS/NZS 2040.1:2021 Amd 1:2024 Performance of household electrical appliances - Clothes washing machines, Part 1: Methods for measuring performance, energy and water consumption EL-059 21/02/2025
Public Administration and Safety AS/NZS IEC 60300.1 Dependability management, Part 1: Managing dependability QR-005 11/02/2025
Water and Waste Services DR AS 4321:2024 Fusion-bonded medium-density polyethylene coating and lining for pipes and fittings WS-009 21/02/2025
Health Care and Social Assistance AS ISO 5649 Medical laboratories - Concepts and specifications for the design, development, implementation and use of laboratory-developed tests HE-029 03/03/2025
Mining DR AS/NZS 3584.3:2023 Redlined Diesel engine systems for underground coal mines, Part 3: Maintenance ME-018 19/03/2025
Electricity and Gas DR AS/NZS IEC 60079.10.1 Amd 1:2025 Explosive atmospheres, Part 10.1: Classification of areas - Explosive gas atmospheres MS-011 12/02/2025
Information Media and Telecommunications AS/NZS ISO/IEC 27011 Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Information security controls based on ISO/IEC 27002 for telecommunications organizations IT-012 28/02/2025
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services DR AS ISO 30434:2024 Human resource management — Workforce allocation MB-009 12/02/2025
Construction AS ISO 8100.32 Lifts for the transportation of persons and goods, Part 32: Planning and selection of passenger lifts to be installed in office, hotel and residential buildings ME-004 12/02/2025
Electricity and Gas DR AS ISO/IEC 80079.20.2 Amd 1:2025 Explosive atmospheres, Part 20.2: Material characteristics - Combustible dusts test methods MS-011 12/02/2025
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